Are love spells meant to attract only one person?

 Most people are quick to think or assume that love spells can only be cast on a particular individual. If you share the same opinion or are on the same bandwagon, sorry to burst your bubble –The effects of love spells are not limited in any way. Love spells will carry out their assignment irrespective of age, social class, gender or the depth of an individual's pockets.

The point we are driving at is that love spells can either be generic or can be cast to attract a particular person (your crush or someone you like) that subconsciously refuses to look in your direction. Having mentioned that, it is worth mentioning that love spells are not intended for ribbing people of their free will and right to associate with whomever they please.

While fasting magic spell for love, you must always have in mind that the karmic law governs the magic world, and whatever you use spells to cause others will come back to you threefold — hence, the threefold law. Every legitimate online spell caster, including Spellcaster Maxim is aware of this law and is very cautious about crossing the line between using spells to satisfy clients and compromising the safety of the client.

Speaking of safety, spellcaster Maxim mentioned that love spells regardless of whether it's for same sex couples or not is broadly categorized into two groups namely — white magic and black magic doesn't matter if you are looking for lesbian love spells it gay witchcraft spells, one on must be careful not to invoke the retaliation from the dark forces.


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